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Happy National Grammar Day 2024!

4 Mar

Move over, Christmas… the *real* most wonderful time of the year is here.

Happy National Grammar Day, everyone!

March forth on March 4th to speak well, write well, and help others do the same! (Mignon Fogarty‘s quote, not mine.) 

National Grammar Day was established in 2008 by Society for the Promotion of Good Grammar founder Martha Brockenbrough because she wanted to help her students with their grammar in a fun and positive way.

Have a great one. Celebrate responsibly!

Friday Fail

9 Apr

Spotted in an Austin gift shop. Great sticker, but the description on the price tag’s another story. Please make it stop.

March Forth on March Fourth for National Grammar Day!

4 Mar

Hooray! It’s National Grammar Day! Let your inner nerd out as we pay tribute to good grammar.

National Grammar Day was established in 2008 by Martha Brockenbrough, founder of the Society for the Promotion of Good Grammar (SPOGG), because she wanted to help her students with their grammar in a fun and positive way.

As the National Grammar Day website states, “Language is something to be celebrated, and March 4 is the perfect day to do it. It’s not only a date, it’s an imperative: March forth on March 4 to speak well, write well, and help others do the same!”

Here at Come Correct, every day is National Grammar Day. We love to help you take your writing to the next level. Whenever you need us, march forth and let us know. Contact us here.

Coronavirus Lockdown Advice

21 May

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year Again …

4 Mar

It’s March 4, and you know what that means …

That’s right, smarty pants: IT’S NATIONAL GRAMMAR DAY!

Wooohooo! Par-TAY! Happy Grammar Day, mofos. March forth on March fourth to celebrate the splendor of speaking and writing well.

Grab a red pen and hunt for errors. Read a grammar haiku. Revisit Strunk & White’s “Elements of Style.” Hug an editor. Take an online grammar quiz.

Just go totally nuts today, OK?

The Perils of Blinking

22 Nov

And just like that, the holidays are upon us.

This is what happens when I get a moment to breathe: a cornucopia of fails just for you.

I’m thankful for your readership.

Enjoy your turkey, turkeys. 

Black Friday Fail

Friday Fails!

21 Jul

Ah, fails… the best way to kickstart your weekend. Enjoy.  

It’s August?!

10 Aug

Wasn’t it National Grammar Day just a few weeks ago? 

Hope you enjoyed a lovely spring and summer. Clearly, ours flew by. 

Now, it’s back-to-school time, and you know what that means: spelling and grammar gaffes galore. Let’s dive right in.

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Happy Grammar Day!

4 Mar


It’s that time again: National Grammar Day!

Watch those apostrophes. Murder emphasis quotes and passive voice with sheer abandon. Sip a grammartini. Hug an editor. Rescue dangling modifiers. JUST GO CRAZY. 


He Knows…

19 Dec

He Knows...