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This “Make’s” Us Sad, Too…

15 Jan

via DublinLive

Behold: the Dublin, Ireland “Anti Dog Fouling” campaign. The signs were placed outside schools, and in a number of spots in the city. Now, the Dublin City Council will take them down and begin again.  

Just another reminder to control your apostrophes, friends.

The Perils of Blinking

22 Nov

And just like that, the holidays are upon us.

This is what happens when I get a moment to breathe: a cornucopia of fails just for you.

I’m thankful for your readership.

Enjoy your turkey, turkeys. 

Black Friday Fail

Friday Fails!

21 Jul

Ah, fails… the best way to kickstart your weekend. Enjoy.  

Happy Grammar Day!

4 Mar


It’s that time again: National Grammar Day!

Watch those apostrophes. Murder emphasis quotes and passive voice with sheer abandon. Sip a grammartini. Hug an editor. Rescue dangling modifiers. JUST GO CRAZY. 

A New Year’s Eve Request

31 Dec

NYE Party HatIf you catch anyone shouting “Happy New Years!” tonight, please thump them on the head.

It might squash some party hats and/or provoke drunken anger, but go ahead and do it anyway.

Let me know how that goes.

News flash: We’re only celebrating one new year, not several. 

While there will be more new years (don’t tell the Mayans), we’re only dealing with 2015 right now.

Correct: Happy New Year.

Incorrect: Happy New Years.

For geeky kicks, click here for a growing-by-the-minute list of “Happy New Years” tweets. Ugh. 


He Knows…

19 Dec

He Knows...

Guess what “day” it is?

24 Sep

Please, make it stop. It’s National Punctuation Day!

Please take a moment to pause and reflect on the importance of proper punctuation. Ready? Go.

OK, moment over; now, let’s celebrate!

Revel in National Punctuation Day by geeking out with some grand punctuation gaffes. Got your red pen handy? Good. Away we go!

clean kiss the cook mothers ray sandwich

No, no, no! YES
Make it stop.


One space. Always.

23 May
