Happy National Grammar Day!

4 Mar

grammar day edit

Hooray! It’s National Grammar Day! Imaginary confetti toss! Par-TAAAAY! 

In the immortal words of Mignon Fogarty (a.k.a. Grammar Girl), “Language is something to celebrate, and March 4 is the perfect day to do it. It’s not only a date, it’s an imperative: March forth on March 4 to speak well, write well, and help others do the same!” 

Happy Grammar Day, dahling! Get your grammar on in a big, festive way. Cheers!

One Response to “Happy National Grammar Day!”


  1. When Is It Time to Slow Down? | Come Correct: The Fab Blog - March 15, 2017

    […] 4 came and went, and I just realized it. No grammar fails. No geektastic educational songs.  No James Brown memes. Not a single utterance of “March forth on March fourth”, for […]

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